Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Week two of the shred.

Monday/ Day eight – I was pretty busy today, so I put off working out until the kids were being bathed. I don’t know if it was because hubby was watching me kick my own butt, but I put everything I had into my workout, and I felt great. I accomplished most of it following Natalie, only a few exercises did I have to slide to easy (pushups, my wrists aren’t what they should be, so I have to do the girly ones!) Hubby has expressed an Interest in doing the strength parts with me, so I will be hopefully working out with him tomorrow.

Tuesday/Day nine – I skipped again!!! Bad, Bad me!!! I do have an excuse though, I was super busy. In the morning, I cleaned my bathrooms, cleaned up a HUGE mess caused by baby, Showered made lunch, and then a friend came to visit all afternoon. Got supper together, and went to our bi monthly girls night, and by the time we got home it was 10:00…sorry not working out at 10:00.

Wednesday/ Day ten – Everyday I do this it is getting easier and easier. And I am actually looking forward to working out now too, I feel almost empowered, I can do anything!!!

Thursday/day eleven. – Once again I have skipped. I have to stop doing this. Although I do know that I need to take breaks for my bodies’ sake. Today was just crazy, we had a guy in to put in our new satellite, and I could have worked out then, but I really didn’t feel too comfortable with that Idea!! Then I went bridesmaid dress shopping later on, and I didn’t get home until 9:30 again. I do have to say though that for the first time in my life, I was looking at myself in the mirror and not hating what I saw, and not comparing myself to Hubbies sisters. In fact I was the same dress size as his oldest sister, so that made my day!! This is a huge thing for me. Even when I was skinny (but anorexic) in high school, I hated how I looked in the mirror!!

Friday/ Day 12 – I did level two. I am dead…however, I did it….I took two five second breaks the whole twenty minutes, I feel proud of myself. However I feel dead…..

Saturday/day13 – I did level two again, I did a bit better with it, one break….but still dead nonetheless.

Sunday/day 14 - I didn’t want to feel dead again today…..It is Sunday, a day of rest right?? Next week I vow to not skip as many days. And today we went for a walk with the girls. And I was hauling Alysha, so I did get a work out, I just don’t feel dead….


Anonymous said...

Sooooo proud of you!! You are doing so well and so glad you like what you see in the mirror!! You should!! You look great!!!

Unknown said...

You're doing great. I've done it twice and it definitely works!

Unknown said...

Heh, Lizzie I am so proud of you. You're doing great and don't beat yourself up for the days you miss; just get back to it. We are human and fallible, but the main thing is to find a way to make exercise a part of our life just like we visit, read, watch TV etc. Great start and I look forward to keeping track of you. Heh, I'll be watching...LOL

陳旻揚 said...


My story

Welcome to my blessed life!! Meet myself, a 32 year old stay at home momma. Meet hubby, who I have been married to for 14 years. We got married right out of high school, and while there have been many hardships, my husband is my best friend, and I wouldn't change a thing. We are living life with a 6 year old Grade oner, Gracie and 3 year old toddler, Alysha, which has its challenges, but we love every minute of it. God has blessed us with everything we need as well as tonnes of great friends and family.